Montgomery County Community Cat Coalition
Montgomery County Community Cat Coalition
About Us
The Montgomery County Community Cat Coalition (MC C³) is an independent, 501(c)3 nonprofit animal protection organization dedicated to improving the lives of community cats in Montgomery County, Maryland.
What are community cats?
Community cats are free-roaming, unowned cats. Although some cats seen outdoors have owners, many do not. Some community cats are the offspring of lost or abandoned pet cats, but most community cats are feral (meaning they’re not socialized to humans) because they weren’t exposed to people during their first months of life. While community cats don’t have a traditional owner, they often are fed by caring people, and they can live happy, healthy lives with Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) intervention.
Several other terms are also used by many people to mean community cats – for example, feral cats, alley cats, stray cats, tomcats, colony cats or street cats.